
This is my super kewl website! I'm a guy, he/him

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About me

Hi, I'm JaecadeJnight, or Jeff. I like programming, web development, video games, drawing, Legos, anime, and other stuff. I used to be known as "JeffTheMasterr" but then changed that name because it's cringey.

Social medias below

Just a list of my online profiles. Anyone else who claims to be me but isn't one of these profiles isn't me and is an impersonator, but don't harass or report them because some of them could actually be me since I have a lot of online accounts. For the stuff I have on Glitch and GitHub you can also find on my epic projects page.


Experienced with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, nodeJS, and Scratch. I know some basic python, and am new to the GDevelop game engine. I also do drawing and art for fun sorta well.

I can also make Turbowarp extensions